Instructor Tools
Exam Results Instantly
DigitalDesk InstructorTools provides an interface for faculty to manage their exams. InstructorTools utilizes your campus single sign-on architecture, such as CAS, LDAP, or other method, to access the data processed through DigitalDesk Solutions.
- Rescore exams, adding bonus points to all or to individual students
- Review student responses, make corrections to responses or demographic information and reassign student to different answer key
- Run reports (all or individual), release student score reports, produce customize report export
- Modify answer keys, point values, multiple correct responses, partial and bonus points
Integrates with your campus' student information system to streamline score sheet processing.
An enterprise-class database engine that provides speed and capacity to perform real-time exam scoring, process course evaluations, and generate reports to assist in institutional research/evaluation accreditation programs.
Simple, intuitive interface for managing answer keys.
- Integrates with your campus' student information system to streamline score sheet processing.
- An enterprise-class database engine that provides speed and capacity to perform real-time exam scoring, process course evaluations, and generate reports to assist in institutional research/evaluation accreditation programs.
- Simple, intuitive interface for managing answer keys.
Key analysis shows how the answer key was interpreted by the system.
Comprehensive exam analysis include Standard Deviation, Cronbach's Alpha, Point Biserial Correlation, Distractor Analysis, and more.
Graphs show correct response frequency by item and score distribution.
Integrates with your campus' student information system to streamline score sheet processing.
Export to CSV for additional analysis and import into gradebooks.
Automatically generates and distributes reports to instructors and students via email, saving time and printing costs.
- Key analysis shows how the answer key was interpreted by the system.
- Comprehensive exam analyses include Standard Deviation, Cronbach's Alpha, Point Biserial Correlation, Distractor Analysis, and more.
- Graphs show correct response frequency by item and score distribution.
- Complete roster score report and individual student score reports.
- Export to CSV for additional analysis and import into gradebooks.
- Automatically generates and distributes reports to instructors and students via email, saving time and printing costs.